I made it through my first transfer.
This is bad lighting and I can't see our faces so this might be a horrible pic, but look how Samoan we are. Elders in their ias (no idea how to spell it--skirts) and us in our pulakasis. We're turning brown .
Look at how Samoan I am. Pulakasi, lavalava, and Samoan name tag. I'm just missing the brown.
My team won the game we were playing.. this is the trophy. Pretty exciting stuff.
Not really sure what this one is.
Elder Kenape, Elder Keung, Roy, me, Seka, and Sister McBride.
Our pulakasis. We get to wear them on Sundays to church as long as we both wear them.
My Samoan Nametag
This is from Sunday. Me and Fui. We all made breakfast for dinner at Seka's house and then ate and played games and had FHE and stuff. Super fun.
These look more like missionary pictures.
Our "Family" pictures
P-day fun.
Karen, us missionaries, and Seka. And some palagi man.
Seka, Elder Keung, and Roy.
Making food. I was in charge of pancakes. They had never had breakfast for dinner before but they let us pick what we wanted so that's what Sister McBride and I chose.
I just love this family.
Our Cheerleading picture
This is me being athletic. If that's possible.
Look how beautiful!
More strange bush pictures.
Look at my hair!
This photo is so funny. Look at the Samoan kid in the yellow shirt, Roy. Everyone calls this photo the last vision. haha.
Sister McBride and me on P day. We went to a park--definitely not a hike. But it was so beautiful and fun!
Seka, me and Elder Keung photo bombing. Seka is the greatest. I love that girl!
They love jumping pictures.

Hope all is well. This week was a great week. But most importantly, I'm staying in Samoa!!!!!
So happy I didn't get transferred. I have at least another transfer in Samoa with Sister McBride.
Things are so good. Mission life is so good. We taught Valerie and Rona for the first time this last Sunday. They are Sister O'Brien's nieces that just moved here from Samoa two months ago. They're fifteen and twenty-one. They're so sweet. I just absolutely love them. The O'Briens have already been talking to them about the gospel and they've already started reading the Book of Mormon and know a little about Joseph Smith. We taught them about the Restoration and the Book of Mormon. And they were taking notes! Could they be more perfect? They really want to learn and Valerie basically bore her testimony about Joseph Smith already. I wish you could meet them. They are just so sweet. I know I've already said that a lot but it's the perfect description. We have another lesson with them tonight which I'm super excited about. It'll be great. They said they want to be baptized. Right now we're looking at August 16 but we may move it to August 10. We'll see.
Also, do you remember Sasa? I love Sasa! We had two really great lessons this last week. She loves it when we come over. She calls it Bible Study. She said that she knows the church is true! She's just praying to see what she should do. If she gets baptized she has to change a lot of things. She recognizes the commitment and wants to make sure she's ready. Her husband is the deacon in another church and they go to church together every week. She likes her church. Anyway, she just needs to work some things out. She said she would pray to see what God wants her to do and what is best for her and her family. Keep her in your prayers. It's amazing the amount of love that Heavenly Father blesses us missionaries with. I just feel so much love for these people and I want them to be happy. True happiness comes from living the gospel and being close to our Heavenly Father and Savior. The gospel is the greatest ever.
We found a lot of potentials this week. It was a good Samoan finding week, that's for sure. Now the trick is to actually get to talk with them. We met Nathan. He is a less active member's cousin. We tried her apartment one of the very first days I was here. I barely remembered it, I just remembered her name. Anyway, last week we had just tried someone and they weren't home and we were about to go to our next name on the planner when Soloi's name popped into my head. I told Sister McBride we should go visit them. She was a little unsure, but agreed. We went over there and met Nathan. He was pretty busy, but we had a quick lesson about The Book of Mormon and he agreed to read it. We visited him again this weekend. Had a one minute restoration lesson because he had just woken up and was busy, but he said he'd read and pray. The next day we met his wife, Meli, and Soloi. They said he's been reading the book. They were both surprised because he's never even touched a Bible. Meli said she was really shocked. She said she's not interested, but we visited with her for a little while and got to know her better and shared a scripture. Ether 12:4--one of my favorites. It was incredible to watch her. I know she was feeling the Spirit as we talked about it. She invited us to come back any time we want! This is great!
We had a lot of fun with the ward this week. I have lots of pictures from last P day to send and on Sunday we ate with Seka's family and had lots of fun.
We wore pulakasis on Sunday. Major brownie points. I don't think I've ever received so many compliments in my life. haha. I didn't even look good, just everyone was so excited to see the palagi missionaries in Samoan stuff. I'll send you pics. They are way comfortable.
Well, I love you all. Remember to read your scriptures. They're the best. When does David leave? Tell him good luck. He'll be a good missionary! Missions are the greatest. The church is true! Choose the right.
Sister Veronica White