Elder Keung's funeral.
P-day fun.
We played laser tag on P day. It was so fun.
Fafaga with Star and Annie from the ward. They're great.
Fafaga with the Etes... they threw Elder Keung a going away party.
Taking pictures with Samoans would not be complete if you don't take jumping pictures... it's a lot harder when you're in a skirt.
We took Fui with us out for a day and she wore her nametag they got from their stake missionary day thing. It says future missionary and her name. She did awesome. She will be a really good missionary. She wants to go. She turns 19 in a year and a half.. right about the time that I'm leaving my mission.
We went to a really expensive buffet one of the nights before Elder Keung left. It was so yummy. You guys would have loved it. It had all sorts of sushi and lobster and crab and stuff. I stuck with more safe stuff but it was still really good. For once I wasn't sad about having to eat lots. haha.
Everyone decided to give us stuff at church on Sunday. We got a seashell necklace, giant candy bar and Sees sucker.
This is our "haka" face with Joe. I have no idea how to spell that but it's where you're supposed to look really tough in one of their dances. Pretty good, eh? I could pretty much be Samoan I think.

Talofa my beautiful family!
How are all of you? Hope all is well. I absolutely loved the pics you sent from Denver and such. Not gonna lie, I'm a little jealous. It's a good thing I LOVE my mission as much as I do... Or else I would be really jealous. It looks like you guys had fun. You just have to promise that we'll go to cool concerts and do cool things when I get back, ioe? In the mean time I'll be over here in Seattle loving life! I absolutely love it up here and I love missionary work.
This week was really good. We found a couple new investigators and a few more potentials. The work is really picking up. Also it was approved for us to go outside the mission boundaries. So now we can go to Federal Way, Auburn, Renton, and Kent. We aren't allowed to tract over there but if we have specific Samoans we're visiting we can go over there. And now we can go over there for our fafaga appointments with ward members as well. This is a really big miracle and blessing for us. We are very excited! We have some former investigators that we are going to go and visit this week. It'll be good.
We had Zone Conference again this week. But this was the first Zone Conference that wasn't like an unscheduled quick one. So this one was really long and how they're normally going to be. Let me just say. I love President Choi. He is so, so, so great. And so is his wife. They are just awesome. I feel so blessed to get to work with them. They're so sweet and loving. They talked about how we need to scare Satan.
It was so funny in their Korean accents. Sister Choi told us we "need to scare the Satan." hahaha. There was some really amazing counsel that was given to us. I just know that Heavenly Father is aware of me. He knew what I needed to hear and what would help me to be a better missionary. I just feel the Spirit all the time and I love it so much. I love being a missionary! I feel like that's basically all I say in every email I send home, but it's true.
Elder Keung's last day was yesterday. I'm sad he's gone. He was a really good missionary. He reminded me a lot of Bruce. It will be weird to have fafaga appointments without him. He will be missed.
We had a ward party this weekend. It was a missionary open house thing so most of the week was spent contacting every Samoan we've ever come across and inviting them to the party
on Saturday. Sadly only one family turned up besides the ward. They're a less active family. But during the question and answer part Henry (the father of the family) was asking some questions so hopefully that's good. It was all happening in Samoan so I have no idea what was being said. He and his wife were baptized in Samoa and then when they moved here they started going to Assembly of God. We go over there pretty often. The wife seems more interested in coming back. Anyway, they didn't come to church yesterday but hopefully they will come next week.
Also, pray for Situlia. His father is a bishop back in Samoa. He lives here but is not a member. I think he lives with extended family. I'm not really sure. I've only met him once and he was playing video games and high. Not really listening to us. But we text him every week and invite him to church and this last week he actually texted us back. He's just had a death in his family and asked us to pray for him. He said he's going through a pretty hard time right now but he knows he needs to pray. Anyway, we're going to go see him this week and hopefully we can help him feel the Spirit and the comfort that comes from applying the Atonement in our lives. The Atonement is real and because of it we never have to be alone. We just have to use it in our lives. So pray for him this week faamolemole(please). The gospel provides so much peace and joy so let's hope we can help him realize that.
Also, Mile (a fourteen year old girl that we've been teaching) wants to get baptized! She's so sweet. I absolutely love her. We have to get her parents' permission though. She's really nervous about it but we told her we would pray everyday and for her to pray everyday too that she can be baptized. Her uncle is in our ward so we're going to talk to him and set up a time to meet with the parents or something. Anyway, just pray for Mile too. She's a really good girl and loves the gospel and the Book of Mormon.
Well I'm going to send pictures. I have quite a few again. I feel like once I get transferred from the Samoan ward I'll never have pics. They just love taking pictures.
I hope you all have a great week. Have fun at school Savannah and Joe. I'll be praying for you everyday. I love you all so much!
Always remember that this gospel is true and to read your scriptures everyday. They're such a blessing in our lives and we need to not take it for granted. Choose the right.
Sister Veronica White