Boba on my birthday. So good. It was strawberry mango. Yum!
Fuifui and Omi surprised me on my birthday with balloons and a card. The card is so cute with photos of us together and then on the back there's a "memory lane." I just love her so much!
And then later that night we had the Etes come to a lesson with us for Hector so they could be fellowship and they surprised me with gifts. They're so sweet! On her card she listed why each thing was there... nerf gun to relieve frustration (she bought Sister Nudd one too..) Chocolate, granola, balloon. It was so sweet! They really made my birthday. It was hard being away from you but my Samoans made up for it. They're so good to me.
P.S. please forgive the largeness of my hair... that's what happens to it when it gets rained on and dries over and over throughout the day.
And this is my favorite! This is the birthday card Seka sent me. It's Seka, me and Sister Dobbins in our single shelf sisterhood because our joke is that none of us are ever going to get married so we'll just be together sitting on a shelf. hahah. It probably doesn't even make sense but the card is so funny!
Lots of photos. On the eighth Sister Smalley and Sister Nudd surprised me with a surprise birthday party in the church kitchen. They are so sweet! Here are the photos from that.
This is a legitimate candid shot. I was looking at Sister Nudd because she got me a mini hymnbook and even had it engraved. She's so sweet. I'm sorry my mouth is so large though.
Isn't this card hilarious?!
And then came the mustaches...
We don't call ourselves the Icky Sisters for nothing.
Serious Men
Happy Men
The hideousness got a little out of hand.

Well family.
It was so good to talk to you yesterday. You all look great. I can't believe what a little man Joe has become. That is not the same little brother that I left almost a year ago. Kind of makes me sad, but all is well. I feel like I pretty much caught you up on everything yesterday and I don't have much time right now.. my computer is about to kick me off. But I'll share with you just a few things.
Hector is amazing. Please keep him in your prayers that he'll be able to get Sundays off of work so he can come to church. Also that he'll be able to keep the word of wisdom. He said it was going to be hard but he has the faith tat Heavenly Father will be able to help him. He is so incredible. He just understands so much. Has such a hunger for knowledge and understanding. I've learned a lot from him. There's a YSA branch that'll be starting in June and he'd be going to that so we were able to use the Etes as fellowship for him. They are so wonderful. Any day that I get to see them is a good day. They are my family away from you guys. I love them so much
That's one of my favorite things about being a missionary. The love! The love I have for the gospel. For my Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ. For ward members. For my companion. For investigators. For the gospel. I just love it all so much. And I even feel like I love you more even though I'm far away. I'm just so grateful for the examples that you are to me. Thank you for being such wonderful people and for being my best friend.
Thank you for the birthday package. I loved it all! Thanks especially for the water bottle. In the last two days that I've had it I've been drinking more water which is really good. I'm 20 years old now. I've almost been away for a year. Wow.
I love you all so much! Read your scriptures. Go to the temple. CTR!Love,Sister Veronica White