Right by my desk. I have photos of all of you so I can see your beautiful faces everyday.
The planner I made for Sister McBride. I just think it's so cute. It's like the most creative I've ever been. 
Our District from last transfer.
Sister McBride's last day in Samoa. Sad Day. She will be missed. I love her!
Just many different poses.
Sister Ete was just in Samoa and she brought us both back a lavalava! How cool is that?! I'm so Samoan.
My new trainee. She's great.
Talofa family!
This week was crazy busy! I can't even believe it. Where to even begin? Well let me start with the beginning of the week. Some amazing miracles happened. We have two new investigators. One is named Juliann. She's 17 and getting ready to head to college at the end of this month. She doesn't have much time before she leaves but we're hoping we can teach her the lessons and then she can meet with missionaries when she leaves. She's a really sweet girl and so smart. Has such a desire to learn.
We also met Cassandra. She has seven kids. Just moved here from Alaska. Her husband is still back in Alaska. They're having some marital problems. She's really nice. She said she would read and pray about the Book of Mormon and we're meeting with her again tonight. She has a real desire to learn more about the gospel and see if it's the right thing for her to do. We also had a good lesson with Thao. We watched the hour long movie about Joseph Smith and his life. Wow. All I can say is that I KNOW that he was a prophet. He restored this gospel to the earth and I'm so grateful for the sacrifices that he and his family and so many early Saints made for the gospel of Jesus Christ.
So now on to transfers and all that fun stuff. Sister McBride got transferred into the Tongan ward. We were both really shocked about that. She's a sister training leader and she and her other sister training leader are training a new missionary. So they're in a trio.
Also, here's the craziest thing of all. I'm training. What. The. Heck. I've only been out two transfers. I know there are other sisters that have trained and have only been out two transfers. Sister McBride was one of them. But this time there were only eight sisters that came out from the MTC. That's way fewer than came out with me. For some reason out of the almost 50 (I think?) sisters that are in this mission the Lord thinks I should be one of the trainers. I was the only sister there that's training that's been here for only two transfers. Everyone else was a lot more experienced. It's just crazy to me. Obviously the Lord thinks I can handle more than I thought I could.
My new companion seems really great though. I'll send a picture if I have time. She's really sweet. She's from Australia and has the sweetest little accent ever. It's kinda hard to understand but I'll get used to it. She has a real desire to go out and serve. I can already tell I'm going to learn so much from her. She's twenty-six so she's a little older than most of the sisters. It's a little strange being the "trainer" or the "senior companion" when I'm so much younger than her.
But it's all good. We're going to work hard and see many miracles! And SMILE and BE HAPPY!!!!! That's what we do as missionaries. I'm pretty much smiling all the time because I'm just so happy and I'm so grateful to be serving a mission. I love it so much. I'm so grateful the age was lowered so I can serve at this time.
Sister Veronica White
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