Monday, November 25, 2013

November 25, 2013

My water bottle tower that I created at fafaga. This took a lot of skill, let me tell you.

I don't know if you can actually tell from this photo but Sister Smalley has the smallest hands ever. And my hands are big. So whenever we compare them I just end up laughing so hard. I think it's so funny.

The night before Paul left for his mission for Mexico. He's going to be a good missionary.
Please excuse this photo... It just makes me laugh though. Sister Smalley and I had a pillow fight. Well, correction. I had a pillow fight against Sister Smalley.
So this could be my last week in Samoa. Transfers are next week. So we'll be emailing on Tuesday just to let you know. But I'm kinda nervous. I've been here for a while now. This'll be the end of my fourth transfer in Samoa. I kind of feel like I'll be leaving. I've spent 1/3 of my mission basically in Samoa. But I hope that I get to stay one more transfer. I feel like I've put so much work into this ward and it's been really hard at times and really slow. But it seems like things are finally starting to pick up. We've got a little more potential and even an investigator, Ana Mose, who wants to be baptized. It would be really hard to leave it. But I know that whatever happens will be right. This is the Lord's work and I know that wherever I go will be exactly where He needs me.
But on to the week.. Paul Toala left at the beginning of this last week for the MTC. He's serving in Mexico. I'm just really impressed with their family. His Dad, Brother Toala, is one of the nicest people I've ever met. Just a really good man. And his mom has cancer right now. She's doing really poorly. Can't go anywhere--in a lot of pain. The older sister actually moved back up here for a little while to take care of her. I saw her on Tuesday night and the whole left side of her body is swollen and she looked like she was in so much pain. It made me want to cry. Anyway, they're just such a good family. I know they will be blessed for Paul serving a mission. But that'd be so hard. To leave your family in that condition. I'm so grateful that you guys are all healthy and well. I just love you all so much.
We saw many miracles this week. We found a new Samoan guy that we got to visit with for a little while. He was really nice and pretty much invited himself to church. HE works graveyards though so his schedule is really hard. So he didn't make it this last week but hopefully this next week. He invited us over for Thanksgiving to eat bogipopo. Probably the only Samoan food I like. And it's a dessert. haha.
We also had a neat experience tracting. We were in the area of one of our potentials and they didn't answer the door so we decided we'd tract in that area. We weren't sure exactly where to go so we said a prayer and started walking for about a block when we saw this man washing his car. His name was David and he was from Mexico. At first he was pretty hard hearted and just tried to preach at us with all these verses from the Bible. But we sang I am a Child of God to him and said a prayer and he really softened. We talked to him about the Book of Mormon and I read a verse from it that talks about Jesus Christ. We were able to take down his information and send it off as a referral for the Spanish elders. It was just really great. To know that we were exactly where we were supposed to be--at the right place and the right time so we could meet him.
Things are really great. I love missionary work so much. I love the gospel and I really love the Book of Mormon. It is true and we can learn so much from it. Make sure you're reading from the Book of Mormon everyday. There is power behind that book. I love you all! CTR always.
Sister Veronica White

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