Here are the pictures finally from Carkeek Park from a few weeks ago. Some of them are kinda weird.. but yeah.
Look at that beautiful Sound! I love it.
My companion is just the cutest.
Sister Salabao wanted to get a picture of her jumping and she thought this was just about the greatest thing ever. haha. She is so cute. I love her to death!
Can you believe that beauty?
Look at the size of this stump. The trees here never cease to amaze me.
We're inside a giant fish.

Hello family!
This week was pretty good. One of our biggest miracles was that we had a church tour with Pat. She's the older lady who is so sweet. Just really shy and doesn't like to get out and do much. But slowly we're seeing her come more out of her shell and she is just great. Our Church Tour was really powerful. Sister Walker was with us as well. Oh my. I love that woman with all my heart. I am so grateful to have met her. She is just such a good example. So sweet. And has lived her life faithfully, trusting in the Lord. In the chapel, the last part of our tour, we sang a hymn and she went and played the piano. She just looked so angelic up there. She's my Grandma while I'm away from home. She reminds me a lot of Grandma and even blows me kisses when she leaves. I'm so grateful for her.
This week, also, we watched the Joseph Smith movie with our investigators, Andrea and Damion. They're great. They want to be baptized eventually. They have a lot of stuff to work through and they need to start living the law of chastity. Their situation is pretty complicated. It's just a testimony to me of how important it is that we keep commandment.s God gives them to us for our protection and happiness. Their car broke down and they were having to clean it out yesterday but we're hoping they come to church this Sunday. They're really nice.
Donna is Donna. She just really has some struggles to overcome. We're doing all we can to help her but ultimately it's up to her if she will act on these truths. Agency is a tough thing sometimes as a missionary. haha. Nah, really our agency is a huge gift. We just have to always do all we can to exercise our agency in the correct way.
I'm so grateful for church. This week I had a few days that were a little rough. I was a bit discouraged and it was just hard. Really though it was because I was being selfish. I was focusing on myself and how I was feeling instead of being Christlike and focusing outward--on others. But I'm so grateful that each Sunday we can go to church and feel the Spirit and listen to wonderful messages. And most importantly partake of the Sacrament. We can repent and be forgiven of the lame things we do each week that aren't in line with what God would have us do. And then the miracle is that he forgives us and we can move on and start over. Wow. Repentance is just the most beautiful thing. And we are so blessed to be able to partake of the Sacrament each week. Yesterday in Relief Society our lesson was about the Sacrament. I realized that I have been going to church for almost twenty years (I know, right?! I can't believe I'll be twenty soon. Scary.) and partaking of the Sacrament. But rarely do I really ponder and recognize the significance of what I'm doing. I felt ashamed. Christ suffered everything for me and there have been many Sacrament Meetings where my thoughts are all over the place instead of centered on Him. I made a resolve to do better. To try to be better. That's what this gospel is about. Becoming a better, more Christlike person. I'm so grateful for it. I will never be able to fully express in words just how much it means to me. But I know that it is true. This message that we have to share really is good news. We need to do all we can to be good example to those around us and help them come into the fold. I love the Lord! I love the gospel! I love our prophet, Thomas S. Monson! I love all of you! I love being a missionary! All is well!
Veronica White
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