Hello family!
So this is the last week of my seventh transfer. I just really can't believe it. I love it though. I love serving as a missionary!
Sister Salabao was sick this week.. poor sister. So there were a few days where we didn't get to work the whole day. But we still worked hard and saw miracles and luckily she's feeling better now. I guess the one positive of having to stay in is that our oven is sparkling clean. I scrubbed it like it's never been scrubbed. Our entire kitchen is quite lovely right now. I would've rather been out talking to people but since that wasn't an option I did the next best thing. After all, cleanliness is next to godliness. haha.
This is such a great ward, though. Sweet Brother and Sister Walker.. they really are some of my favorite people in the world. I read Elder Holland's talk about angels this week. No doubt in my mind... Brother and Sister Walker are angels. They are just such great examples to me. I'm so grateful for the people that Heavenly Father places in our lives. There really is something to learn from everyone. Whether it be something from them or something about yourself because of your interactions with them. We just need to take every experience in our lives and use it to make us better.
We got to go to the Womens Broadcast. Wow. That was so wonderful! I love getting to listen to the words of our leaders. I seriously cannot wait for General Conference. It'll be wonderful. We have this next week to prepare ourselves. Let's all pray that we'll be humble and teachable so we can learn the things we need to from our prophets. Ah, I'M JUST SO EXCITED!
This week we saw some great miracles. Do you remember me talking about T and Midoni from last week? They were the boys that we talked to on the street. We went by their house this week and met their mother, Nyabuony. They are from South Sudan. She speaks pretty good English and she was so sweet. We didn't get to talk to her for very long. We were in the middle of the First Vision when she told us she had to get ready for work. We were about to extend the baptismal commitment. haha. But all is well, we have a return appointment for later this week. And get this, she has eight kids! We're hoping that we can teach the whole family. They already attend a church, but hopefully we can bring the restored gospel into their lives.
Another miracle! Jackson. I can't remember if I told you about him or not. We met him weeks ago in the last two minutes of our tracting time. It had just started snowing and we had finished the street we were on but we had two minutes so we decided to try one more house. We walked up to a house and then felt like we needed to try the house that was across the street. So we went over there and met Jackson. He didn't really have time but we left him a pamphlet and said a prayer with him and set up a return appointment. Well we had been trying for weeks to get ahold of him but we could never catch him again. While we were on exchanges Sister Salabao and Sister Bruening finally caught him again and put him on date for baptism. This last week we had the Restoration lesson with him. He is so prepared! He's amazing. Just so open and honest and really seeking for more truth and understanding in his life. He had read the Introduction, Testimonies, and 1 Nephi 1 and had questions. I don't think I've ever had an investigator actually keep their commitments from the first lesson. It's just such a miracle. Anyway, keep him in your prayers. He has some challenges but he's so ready for the blessings of the gospel. We may have to refer him over to the YSA though since he's in his twenties. That would be sad, but whatever happens will be good. Heavenly Father knows and loves Jackson.
Heavenly Father knows and loves us all. And we can feel that love as we watch General Conference this weekend! So blessed. I know that Thomas S. Monson is the prophet of God. The gospel has been restored. Heavenly Father wants us to be happy and we're happy as we keep our covenants and CTR! I love you all so much!
Sister Veronica White
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